I don't put up with that

Because of all the Photoshop work I do I need all the desktop space I can get. A few years ago when we had a PC laptop I could hook it up to a separate monitor and use two displays. When our laptop died we got a Mac but only had one monitor to work with. I have been living with that for a long time but I miss the days when I could use two displays. For our Anniversary Peter bought me the convertor my computer needs to run dual monitors and then my Dad and Judy gave me their old display since they got a new one when they ordered their new computer.
Today, Peter and I had another Bar Mitzvah to shoot. We had a really good time and it was easily the biggest party either of us has ever been to, including all the weddings we have seen.
The other day I was hiding a new geocache and when I got closer to the car I noticed this huge dent and marks on it. I immediately called Peter and asked him what he did but he had no clue what I was talking about. We determined that while Peter was working someone must have run into our car in the parking lot and just took off. It's really sad that there are people like that out there, I mean our phone number is all over the car, it would have been so easy for them to give us a call. Whoever it was must have really been going fast to hit us that hard and do that much damage to a parked car. It looks a little better than it did because we got some of the marks from the other car off but it still looks pretty bad. Our neighbor said he would help us try to get the dent out and then we should use some rubbing compound to get the rest of the marks off.
Our friends that moved to PA have a little boy that has always been fond of Brye (but who hasn't?). Gabriel is five years old and him and Brye write each other letters in the mail.
We're home, sorry I have neglected the blog these last few days but we were busy with our little road trip to stop and post any notes. 23 geocaches, about 1200 miles, two great new friends, and two cranky children later we made home in one piece. We had a great trip and visit but we are so tired after all the excitement and driving we are happy to be back in our beds tonight, and I know Lucy-Goose is really happy we're home. Don't worry though, life as we know it has returned so I will get back to updating our blog daily. Thanks for being patient with me, sorry I kept you waiting so long.
Saturday was Peter and I's 6 year anniversary. It is hard to believe that it's been six years but on the other hand it seems like we have been together forever (in a good way). We had a great time on our day, we didn't have anything planned so we just relaxed and hung out at our friend's house. Can't wait to get started on another great year!!
Peter and I are taking the girls on a little road trip this weekend for our Anniversary (Saturday). It will be 6 years that we have been married; and all those people said we wouldn't last when we started dating. Peter managed to get a couple days in a row off so what better thing to do than get away (and grab a couple caches while we're at it)? I told the girls to go pack their things but when I went to get Abbi's bag this is what I found...
We bought Brye a puzzle of the United States shortly after she turned two. She put it together one time with a little help from us and since then she has been able to do the whole thing together by herself. Click on the link below to watch a sped up recording of Brye putting together the puzzle. There is music to it that makes it really cute so make sure your sound is turned on.
Another Thursday another Tumbling Class. Brye did so well again in her class, she did everything Miss Brooke instructed and even was her helper a few times. She set a great example for all the new students today and earned her night at Grandma's House. Today was a big day for Brye in her tumble class because she actually got in "the Pit" I got in with her so she wouldn't be so scared and she crawled all the way across. Brye said she really didn't like it and she cried most of the time we were in there but I was still SO Proud of her for getting all the way to the other side! After class we went to the Fifty cent movie theater and saw Over the Hedge. It was really cute and we will probably go again (for fifty cents, why not?).