Party Fun!!

Update on Donna after her consult with the doctors at Moffit.
This morning I took the girls to a park in Sanford where they were having a kid's day in the park. There were bounce houses and face painting and free food and drinks too. We had a great time and ate great too! We left the park and then went to a birthday
The elephants were having a birthday party at the zoo today so I decided to take the girls and give Daddy a little break from them. We went in the morning and went straight the elephants because Bresa and Abbi wanted to sing happy birthday, which they did loudly. They had a bounce house
We offer thanks and praise to the Lord and to Our Lady of Lourdes that Donna's brain scan came back clear of any cancer cells. I ask that there be continuing prayer as Donna faces the next leg of the journey. Thanks to all of you for your continuing prayer,love and support. IHN
I went to work real early today because I needed to get off early for a few appointments. First Abbi was up for her 3 year check up. She did great and the doctor said she was super healthy and so beautiful (we already knew that though). She did get her last vaccine in her Hep A series and she didn't care for it much. She looked at the nurse and pointed and said "Ow! You hurt me!" It was pretty cute actually. Since Abbi had to get a boo boo we went out for a nice fresh fruit treat afterward. After that Peter and I had our first prenatal checkup. We did all the boring paperwork and then got down to the fun stuff, the baby's heartbeat!
Happy Birthday beautiful girl!! Today Abigail turned three years old. What a big girl she is. I let her chose what to wear and I got her a special Birthday crown and sash to show off to everyone. She decided she wanted a donut for breakfast so we went out and
More news will be forthcoming early in the week. There has been a change in plans and Donna will be going to UCLA which is also affiliated with the City of Hope.