Today is Bresa's 8th birthday! It's hard to believe it was an entire 8 years ago when she made Peter and I a family and no longer just a couple. We already celebrated her birthday and Abbi's when we went to get manicures last week but there were still a few presents to open today. Daddy made her pancakes for breakfast and we let her choose what she wanted for lunch and dinner as well.
We had a housewarming party to go to today for our friends, Rodney and Valleta so the kids had to help decorate the present. We got them a gift card but we put it in a balloon that we then blew up and filled this box with more balloons. We each drew a picture of a house for them. Peter used Illustrator,

I used Photoshop, Bresa made a castle, and Abbi cut out shapes and glued them together to make a wonderful house of her own. I wrapped the box in butcher paper and then we set to work decorating it all. We each put our hand prints on one side and then the kids had a great time coloring the others.
When we got to the housewarming party Bresa was surprised to find a beautiful princess Brenda cake just for her birthday. Brenda was going to make a cake for the party anyhow so she asked me about making it a birthday cake for Bresa. Like the rest of us, Bresa loves Brenda cake. After the party we hung out with R&V for a while playing Mexican Train and then we went to Panera (Bresa's choice) for dinner. Christina and

Noah met us there and picked up Bresa for a couple nights birthday sleepover and the rest of us headed home. Happy Birthday to my beautiful red head. You are very stubborn, independent, and too smart for your own good but I love every bit of what makes you who you are. It may have been 8 years ago already but I will never forget the way I felt the first time I held you in my arms the day you made me a Mommy. I love you pretty girl, you will always be my baby.