This morning we had to get up early and be at church by 7am for a Life Group Coaches meeting. The meeting lasted about 4.5 hours and we got out just in time for lunch. Peter had a client coming over but I didn't have anything to do other than the usual household chores. Joe and Jana had said they were going to go swimming and invited us to join them so I had the children get ready and we headed out. The kids had a great time swimming and I got
to talk to Joe and Jana. We were at their community pool and after I had been there only a little while our friend Adam come over with his daughter so the four of us sat and talked until Joe and Adam got pressured into swimming by the kids. Everyone had a great time and when JourneyKids (the children's Wednesday night church group) dismisses for the summer we plan on making this the new Wednesday night routine. After all the swimming fun had been had we headed home. Peter still had his client there so the children and I decided to go ahead
and make some homemade pizza. Peter had said he wanted pizza on the menu this week so instead of ordering out (way expensive) or buying frozen I decided to try something we hadn't done in a long time. All the children helped after I spread the dough out on my stoneware.
Bresa spread out the sauce and they all did some of the cheese. Abbi added the oregano and then we each child added the toppings they wanted to their own squares. We had chicken, peppers, mushrooms,
pepperoni, and onions to choose from. We baked it up and then ate the entire thing, it was delicious!!