Last night we all decided to meet at Peter and my room at 10 this morning so that we could all depart the ship together. The ship arrived a Cozumel this morning so after we all ate
breakfast and were ready to go we headed down to deck one and walked out to the port. We walked through a couple shops that were right there by the port and then got a taxi to where all the real shops were. Janell
and Wyatt knew of a nice restaurant at the end of the strip so we walked along the shops, stopping in any that we found interesting. It was the typical lots of tourist souvenirs and some clothes with the owners standing outside each shop trying to get you to go in their stores. There were lots of diamond and silver shops and they all said you could get a "free gift, no purchase" but we kept walking on. I had a couple things that I wanted to find so I was on the lookout. We walked a long way, I don't know how far it was but it seemed pretty far,

before we made it to Pancho's Backyard where we went for lunch. The restaurant had free wifi so we all logged on and checked our emails and such. We sat outside under a covered porch which had beautiful plants and a fountain nearby. The weather was really nice and there was a constant breeze so it was the perfect stop to rest our feet and fill our bellies. Lunch was really good and everyone ate all they could take before we headed back down the walk. Now that we had seen everything we knew which shops to stop in to buy what we wanted. I had been looking for a purple dress that I saw when we first got there. Like just about all places we have been that have

shops like this we know that if one place has something 20 more will too. You just have to find the best price. Peter really liked the dress that I saw too and since he likes me dresses he wanted to find it also. I bought a couple things for the children and some vanilla for my kitchen. I also picked up a hand-painted ornament that said Cozumel for Lisa, who was watching Lucy-Goose for us while we are away. We made it to the end of the strip where we were first dropped off by the taxi and that is where I found the dress I had seen all day but not for the price I wanted to pay. I talked they guy down to less than half of what he originally quoted me (thanks, Hong Kong haggling!) and bought it. We grabbed a taxi back to our starting point Peter and I went to a

t-shirt store where I had seen t-shirts for $5 for the kids. I let the girls each pick out 2 and Javan picked out a nice pirate one. Peter found one and I grabbed a couple for myself. Steve and Heather found us (we had left them at another store) and told us that Janell and Wyatt already went back on the ship. We were all finished at this point so we headed for the ship and got on without any problems. Our feet
were really tired so we went back to our rooms to rest a bit and then took some showers to get ready for dinner tonight. After dinner last night the waiter told us that dinner tonight would be moved to 7 so we got ready a little later than usual and went to the dining room.
We were very surprised to see that people were already working on their entrees and looking at dessert menus. Janell and Wyatt were at our table and said they were wondering
where we were. They had left before the waiter announced our late dinner tonight so they came at the right time, 6:00. Peter talked to the waiters and they said we could still eat and we promised to hurry because we knew they had a dinner sitting at 8:30.
They didn't give us any grief and we hurried to make our selections and shortly afterward Steve and Heather joined us. We were all perplexed about how we had heard the same thing but some how that was wrong but we were happy we could still get our meal. My mom showed up after Janell and Wyatt had finished their dessert and left she too hurried
to make her selection so we could eat and leave. The waiters didn't rush us at all but we still tried to be quick because we felt bad for being so late. After dinner we walked around a little bit but then went to our rooms. Peter and I were exhausted
and I knew the kids weren't going to stay awake much longer.