Brian stayed over last night so today when we got up we were trying to figure out what to do. Brian suggested we go to the shooting range and hit some targets. I had never been but I had wanted to go for a while. I don't have a gun of my own but I

handle them everyday at work. Brian has a 303 English Enfield and my step-dad, Jim, has a 223 M-4. We dropped the girls off at Miss Kim's house and then went to pick up the guns and then headed over to the range. I really wanted to shoot a pistol but we only had rifles so that is what we shot. Brian asked me on the way over if I was scared but I said no because I wasn't. We put our names down for the rifle range and then wandered the store until it was our turn. We had to wear protective ear-wear and goggles. I don't think anyone would want to shoot without ear plugs because it was really loud in there, especially in the rifle range. Brian showed me how to load the guns and then took a couple shots to show me how to stand. Then it was my turn. I held the M-4 and stared at the target but I got really scared. I thought about not shooting at all but I knew I would

regret it if I did (later Brian told me he wouldn't have let me not shoot anyhow), eventually I got up enough nerve and made my first shot. After that it was a lot easier. When Brian pulled his gun out I was scared again. His is a lot heavier and has a lot more kick to it. Also, it is very very loud. Brian shot a couple and then handed it to me. I somehow got up enough nerve again and shot it, and then fired off a couple more rounds. Brian's was a lot harder because it was so heavy and when I put it down, where the butt of the stock rested, I was sore. We shot for about an hour and then had to go get the girls. It was a lot of fun and I told Brian that when he comes down again we will have to go back. Though Brian's gun was harder to hold and shoot, I had better aim with it than I did with Jim's gun that was easier. We think the sight may have been off because we both kept shooting the same area on the target with Jim's. With Brian's we did a lot better. Brian is a good shot anyhow but I was impressed that I was able to get some in the center too, I really thought that I would have missed the target completely because I had never shot a real firearm before, just a BB rifle. In the first picture Brian is shooting with Jim's gun.