Tuesday, December 29
Friday, December 25
Happy Birthday Jesus!!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a wonderful day with their families today! Last night Peter was playing at church for the Christmas Eve services that were being held. There was a 6:00 kid's service

Thursday, December 17
A Day Off

Sunday, December 13
Saturday, December 12
Abbi's Paint
For Abbi's birthday, Grandma bought her a sidewalk paint set. Abbi really wanted it but after she got it home and put it away she forgot all about it. Grandma was asking what she wanted for Christmas this year and Abbi said the paint set she didn't get for her

Thursday, December 10
Park Day

Monday, December 7
St Nicholas' Night
St. Nick’s night is always Dec 6th, though sometimes we forget and it gets pushed back a couple nights. This year we were actually on the ball and ready for Santa to come fill our shoes with a pre-Christmas present. We got home from the party last night and Bresa immediately took one shoe off and asked if she could put it outside. I told her to get ready for bed and we would do it all together. Once everyone was ready (Javan was in bed) we took our shoes and set them on the doorstep in hopes that Santa would make a stop just for us. This year we had a new addition to our shoe line, and though I don’t know that his shoe is

Sunday, December 6
Partying nonstop
It’s a full day at the Taylor house today. Peter was playing on the worship team this morning for church so he had to get up early and go to practice. The service was great and I was excited to finally be singing some Christmas songs in church. Right after the service let out we headed home for our final Crown social. Crown was the class that I was teaching on finances at the church which ended a couple weeks ago. The group decided to have our last social today and since I live fairly close to the church we made it at our house. Peter grilled up some hotdogs and everyone brought a dish or drinks and we had a great time discussing what we took from the class and just enjoying each other’s company. We hung out for a few hours but then we kind of had to usher people out because we had another party to go to that was over in Deland. Peter and I lead a Life Group for the church and there are several more Life Groups that do the same. Over each of the Life Groups is a Coach in charge of several of the groups. The party we were going to was for all the Life Groups under our same coach so there was a lot of people there that I didn’t get to see on a regular basis. We left our house and had a couple cars follow us over (one from the Crown party). We were asked to bring Chili and chips and since Bill is the cooker in our group he made a great pot to of chili to share, Peter and I bought chips which we left in a bag in the living room (oops). The hosts cooked up some more hotdogs for those who didn’t want chili and we all hung out outside the house. There was a huge playground and a trampoline for the kids and a fire pit and several tables and chairs set up for the adults. We put up Javan’s stroller but after he ate his solids he was passed around and loved on the rest of the night; much to his delight. We had some really good talks with some people we had been meaning to get together with and enjoyed relaxing with no agenda set. We left at about 7:15 to get home and put the kids to bed, Bresa and Abbi were pretty cranky at this point, and they both have school tomorrow. It was a good full day but I am going to have to get some cleaning done tomorrow after work before our Life Group meets; I don’t mind though
Saturday, December 5
Giving Joy
Peter and I had planned to get up super early and take the girls to Disney to be there for the filming of the Christmas Parade today. Janell and Wyatt won tickets for it and put us on their list for tickets. I had it all planned out, what the girls were going to wear, how I was going to do their hair, and made sure we had everything packed up for the day. Well, when the rain started and didn’t stop yesterday and was predicted to do the same today Janell did some research and found that the parade had been put off until tomorrow morning which we can’t go to because we already had a Sunday. I was really disappointed that we were going to miss the parade; I had been looking forward to it all week. In the end it worked out though because I had also signed up to volunteer for a program, “Giving Joy” that the church was putting on and it landed on the same day. I was going to help with the set up yesterday because I wouldn’t be here today but now that my day was free I was able to help for the actual event. Giving Joy is a program that the church started last year where people in the church donate new or gently used toys and clothes and then the church holds a “shopping day” for free for families in the community that don’t have the means to provide Christmas for their families. Children were encouraged to help their parents work the event to see what giving was all about. I decided to take Bresa to be my big helper and we rode over with our friend Brenda for the 12-4:00 shift. There was a room in the back for kids to play if they got tired of working and needed a break. We walked through the room but I decided not to tell Bresa she could go there until I felt she needed it. We worked the girl’s toys table (perfect) and helped many parents pick out toys that we thought might suit their child’s interest. Bresa did a great job of keeping the table stocked and found all the really cool toys that hadn’t been put out yet. Every time she would find a cool toy she would point it out and pretty much the next person to come up would take it! She didn’t get tired or cranky at all and probably could have gone on for several more hours. She found lots of toys that had parts or went with other things and made sure to put them all together so that the person who took it home would have the complete set. The families that came in were very appreciative and I was almost brought to tears many times. Once all the families had come through the kids who had helped out were aloud to go around and pick one toy of their choice to take home. Bresa was really excited about that because she had been eyeing a blue fairy doll on our table. I don’t think anyone who came through the church could have possibly felt as blessed as I did by being able to bless them. It is truly better to give than to receive!