I learned about Operation Christmas Child at our church this year.

I had heard things about them in the past but didn't really know what it was all about. Basically, what we do is get a shoe box and fill it up for a little girl or little boy and then bring it to church. The church then takes it to a drop off location and from there the shoe-boxes are sent all over the world to less fortunate children. When I heard about this I just had to get involved. We didn't have any shoe-boxes but you can also use a plastic container that is about the same size. I took the girls to the

book store and we picked up a couple small books for girls about Brye and Abbi's age. I had a really hard time deciding on what to get, I wanted to buy everything to send away but Peter and I haven't got that kind of money. We used some of my gift-cards that I had received and tried to find things that were on sale. I got some awesome pop-up books and really cool color changing sliding books. The girls loved them so I know other girls will too. Later we went to Wal-Mart and tried

to find some essentials like toothpaste, a toothbrush, a holder, soap, socks, and hair things. They ask that you don't send liquid so I couldn't get any shampoo or lotion. We searched for toys and got a couple inexpensive things and then went over to Michael's. The craft store was my favorite, they had some really good sales and I was able to get more than enough to fill up two boxes. We got crowns

because every girl is a princess, we got a kit that you put together and it comes with paint and wood and all, we found 48 markers for $1 so we bought two boxes, and a bunch of other things that the girls thought the "children with nothing" would enjoy. When we got home the girls made bracelet's for the receivers and then they went through all the Halloween candy and picked out every

piece of hard candy and every lollipop to send in the boxes. I explained to Brye that while we still have other kinds of candy, some children have nothing at all and so it would really bless them to have the things we were aloud to send. Brye never once complained and even wanted to put more in the bags after we had already found all the hard stuff. I wrapped the boxes up pretty (as best as I could with the odd shape) and then the girls loaded them up. It took some rearranging and cramming but we were finally able to fit everything into the two boxes.

It broke my heart that I couldn't do more and I cried several times (I know, I am way too sensitive) while trying to decide on what a little girl would like the best with the little money that I had to spend, I really wished that I could make a 100 of those boxes to send but two will have to do. We all had so much fun finding the things and making the box, if you are interested in blessing a child this Christmas you can learn more a
SamaritansPurse.org, if you haven't the time to make up a shoebox you can also donate at
EZ Give.