Thanksgiving Dinner again

Peter and I got up bright and early this morning just before 5am. The drive straight through would take us 12 hours and we wanted to get home before it was too late and we were too exhausted. Peter and Steve packed up the car and we said our good byes. Tyler was still in bed but the girls went in and said good bye, they told him they would miss him and gave him a kiss too. To start off our trip we stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a sweet breakfast before we got on the interstate. Before we knew it we were in North Carolina and watching the exit numbers as they counted down. Javan was really tired and started to get cranky. We didn't want him to fall asleep before lunch so we decided to pull off at a rest stop in South Carolina. Steve had gotten us some rolls from the store and last night I packed up some turkey and mayo so we could have sandwiches today. I also had some applesauce containers so we stopped and enjoyed our healthy lunch, much better than fast food.
Today is our last day here in VA before we head home tomorrow. After being in the house for the last two days I was ready to get out and apparently I wasn't the only one who felt that way. Although we didn't really want to do the Black Friday Christmas Shopping we decided to join the crowds just so we weren't cooped up inside any longer. We started off at Target in the morning and went around to a couple other stores in the stripmall. Peter and I actually bought a few presents for the kids and our White Elephant gift exchanges we do with various groups. After the early shopping we went back the house for some lunch and attempted to get Javan to take a nap. He didn't seem to be in there long before I heard him calling which was fine because we had
By the time I got up this morning Heather already had the turkey cooking in the oven and the house smelled great. Heather had everything all planned out and there wasn't really much for me to help with so I just sat back. Steve and Peter made a last minute run to the store and the kids worked on cleaning up the room.
The high today is 54 degrees, quite a difference from yesterday. We didn't have any plans for the day which was nice. Steve got home in time to have lunch with us so we ate and just hung out. Later on Steve got out his Legos from when he was growing up. We all had a good time playing with those and it was fun for me to see all the old Legos I use to play with when I was a kid. Peter
Peter and I decided last week to go up to Virginia to see my oldest brother and his family for Thanksgiving. It was quite a last minute decision so there wasn't a whole lot of planning or anticipation with it. After church I took the kids home and fed them and loaded the car while Peter finished playing the opening for the second service. When Peter got home we were all ready to go so we strapped in the kids and off we went. We were off to a good start and there wasn't much traffic on the roads. We assumed everyone had either left on Friday or they weren't leaving until Wednesday. When we got into Georgia I called my friend Brenda
A couple of weeks ago our friend, Kelly, asked us if we would take her fish from her, apparently she had won a fish at a fair about 7 years ago and the thing was still around. She wanted to get rid of the tank but needed a new home for the fish. She asked if she
Today in the mail Abbi got a surprise. A big manilla envelope addressed just to her. I handed her the package and she opened it very cautiously as she had no idea what it was. When she looked inside she smiled real big and grabbed out a handful of buttons
It was finally time for our church's Ladies Retreat and not a moment too soon.