Flower Girls

Today Bresa lost her very first tooth! She came home from school one day all excited because she had a wiggly tooth. Pretty soon she had two wiggly teeth and then three. The first tooth was getting looser and looser and I tried to tell her to pull it out but she wanted nothing to do with that.
In August of 2007 I told everyone about a frog that had adopted us and lived in our pond, and I posted this picture of him. When the winter came the frog seemed to disappear and I figured he found somewhere warmer. Last year when I would come outside I would hear a plop and splash in the pond but by the time I looked there was nothing to see. I assumed it was a frog that got spooked and dove to the bottom to escape.
I have heard lots of good things about the VCFM that is open every Wednesday morning. Normally I have to work though so I have never been able to go up there (Deland). Since I am still on maternity leave I decided to check it out today. I put Javan in the sling so that I had my hands free and Abbi and I walked along the majority of the rows looking for good deals on produce. Abbi decided she wanted some strawberries
Here is a slightly longer video of Javan and some of the cute noises he makes. He is starting to stay awake longer and longer each day. Thankfully he does this during the daytime and not so much at night.
This video is from Peter's birthday. I forgot that I had taken it. Here Abbi is showing her skills on the 18th hole. She is sad in the end because she doesn't get her ball back
Turns out I had to go back to the station to pick up my W2 so I made sure that Radley knew I was coming so she could meet
This morning my Grandfather passed away very unexpectedly. My mom called me this afternoon with the news. I still can't believe that he is gone. I just talked to him this past week and sent him a "real picture" of Javan as he had requested through the mail. He was always sending me silly emails and he knew how I liked to hear about all the wildlife that he gets in his yard,
I don't think I have ever watched a football game on TV all the way through but there is a first time for everything. Since it was Superbowl Sunday we had a little party with some of the Life Group people with yummy foods and of course a big screen TV. Peter and I had brought along some games too since last year we had a party but after watching the national anthem we all went