Tuesday, March 31
Saturday, March 28
The Lowry Park Zoo
Yesterday Peter and I picked up Bresa from school and then drove over to Tampa with all the kids. We got there just as our friend Reba was getting off of work. We stayed with Reba at her apartment and just hung out and ate pizza and talked until we were too tired to stay awake.

They didn't hesitate to dip their hands in and feel the smooth fins. Some of the stingrays started splashing and got a bunch of people wet and the girls just thought that was hilarious.

Thursday, March 26
Happy Birthday to me!!

Tuesday, March 24

Sunday, March 22
He's Official

Friday, March 20
Thursday, March 19
Our new ride

Wednesday, March 18
Aunt Julie's Beautiful Quilts

Javan's quilt is just perfect for him, it is just his size and has lots of colors. There are lots of animals on it and the girls and I had fun pointing them all out to him. I wrapped him up so he could enjoy it and he fell right to sleep after only a few minutes, I think that means he likes it.

You may be wondering why there wasn't a quilt for Bresa, but the fact is she already has a quilt. Aunt Julie made her one when she was just a baby. She still uses it everyday and when she plays it's always her picnic blanket or baby blanket.

Thank you Aunt Julie for these most precious gifts!! You put so much time and heart into them and they are just perfect! The labels that you hand wrote for each of them says so much about how you care and they will have them forever. We can never thank you enough!
Tuesday, March 17
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Last night Bresa and Daddy set up a trap to catch a leprechaun. They used a shoebox and put a dollar in as bait because Bresa said they like money. She really wanted to catch one because she said they would give us a pot of gold if we did. Well, this morning Bresa saw that the trap had been triggered and ran over to check the inside. Unfortunately the leprechaun had escaped

Sunday, March 15
Friday, March 13
All in Oscar

Wednesday, March 11
Show me a Smile

It was last Thursday (the 5th) when Javan first smiled at me. He had smiled before but always as a result of gas. This was the first time he smiled back at me, a social smile rather than spontaneous. I was carrying him around the store and holding him in front of me and talking to him like I do. He flashed me this adorable smile and then gave me a couple little coos. That is what made me think it was the real thing. Sure enough, every day since then he sits with either Daddy or I and we take turns smiling at each other and he gives us nice little coos to go along with them. As you can see, Javan's smile is enough to melt anyone's heart.
You can click on the image to see it larger with more detail.
Tuesday, March 10
Happy Birthday Lucy

Monday, March 9
Back to Work

Sunday, March 8
Saturday, March 7
Just like the old days...
This afternoon our friends Rena (also mentioned yesterday) and her twin sister Reba came over. Reba hadn't meet Javan yet so they got to know each other while we all talked and ate yummy dessert that they brought over. Reba recently moved to Tampa and we haven't been able to see her in a while. We were planning on going out there to visit a couple weeks ago but that didn't work out. We are hoping to still make it out there and are thinking about going for my birthday. I can't remember the last time

Friday, March 6
The Fun House

Thursday, March 5
Poor Ophelia
Peter was on his way home from having breakfast with some guys from church and he was about 1/3 of mile from our house when he got into a car accident. There was a large truck in front of him and the guy went to turn left but turned to wide and Peter stopped behind him and then tried to go around him because the truck was in two lanes when the guy in the truck backed into Peter and left this nice dent in the car.

Wednesday, March 4
Tuesday, March 3
Baby Javan's first Sleep-over
I was talking to my mom on the phone yesterday and she asked if I was going to bring Javan over to see her. I was just kidding and asked Javan if he wanted to go have a sleepover at Grandma's house. Mom got excited and said she would take him all night and bring him home tomorrow since she was coming over anyhow. I wasn't sure but after talking to Peter we decided a full night's sleep would be very nice. I packed up all his little things that he would need and made sure he had plenty of bottles to fill