Once again the girls were good all week at school and that cannot go unrewarded. Daddy had lots of work to do so I packed up the kids and we

went to the park just outside our neighbor-
hood that has a small splash pad on it. The kids have only gone on to this one once or twice before so it was still pretty new to them. We got to the park around 10:30ish and there were a couple of people wondering around but no one on the pad, just how I like it. The girls wanted to play on the playground too but I told them we were just going to the splash pad today. This splash pad is pretty small so it is easy to keep track of the littlest one and with no one else around I could let him roam free inside the gated perimeter.

Bresa did her usual run through and get soaked in 10 seconds while Abbi ran around the big sprayers and played in the smaller ones. Javan didn't know what to think. He loves the water but he really doesn't like it in his face so he was hesitant to dive in. I just let them all play and do what they thought was comfortable and before long Abbi and Bresa were both soaked head to toe and having a blast playing their made up games. I tried to show Javan he could walk to the edge of the sprayers and just put his hand on it, which he did a couple times. Each time though, the water would flatten on his hand and spray him in the face which he didn't like. Eventually though, Javan played in the water more and more and even made it to the very middle where all the big sprayers were. He did a lot of happy screaming and laughing while running around. It was a blast to watch. At one point another lady came with her son who was probably a year and half to two years old. He wanted nothing to do

with the water so they left after just a few minutes and we had the pad all to ourselves again. I just sat on the ground within the gated area and watched the kids run and play. There are several tall trees in the park and some of the pad was shaded. The high today is supposed to be 92 degrees but at this time it was still comfortable out and the shade made it even nicer where I sat. After an hour or so, Abbi said she was done and came and sat next to me. Javan still did his running and splashing for a while longer and then came and sat next to Abbi. He got up a couple of times to go play again but I could tell he was pretty much done. Another lady came with her two sons

and the older one played with Bresa while the younger one (Javan's age) tried to decide wether he liked the pad or not. Shortly after that a group of kids came all together and they were pretty rambunctious and all over and their parents were no where to be found, so I called Bresa out so we could get some lunch. When we were walking back to the car Bresa asked if we could walk the running trail that goes around the entire park before we left. I had the girls change their clothes and put Javan in the stroller (it's a pretty long trail) and then we walked it all.

When we loaded Oscar the kids thought we were going home but I wasn't done with the fun just yet. I took them over to Chick-Fil-a for some lunch followed by some fun playing at the indoor playground. I knew the temperature was rising fast and I didn't want the kids to be all sweaty and hot so the indoor playground was the perfect option. They both ordered whatever they wanted for lunch

and once they were finished they were aloud to play. I had brought Javan's lunch with us and him and I just sat and watched the girls climbing and sliding for about 25 minutes before I didn't think Javan could keep his eyes open any longer. We grabbed Daddy a milkshake on the way out and headed home for some naps.