New Year's Eve

Well, this Christmas is just not going as we had planned. Between Abbi's Scarlet Fever and some other disappointments we are trying to make the best of everything. Tuesday morning we awoke to Abbi telling us Bresa's carpet in her room was wet but they didn't do it. Peter jumped up to stop the overflowing toilet that had apparently been running since sometime in the middle of the night. The bathroom was a good inch deep and the water had come through the walls into Bresa's room, the living room and, of course, the hallway. Peter used the ShopVac and picked up as much water was possible and then I called my friends and rounded up as many fans as I could. My friend, Kelli, even brought over her carpet steam cleaner so we could clean out any smell from the wet carpet. I set to work cleaning the carpets and Peter set up all the fans and we waited. We were supposed to leave for NC
Now that Abbi was feeling better and had been fever free for more than 24 hours I decided we needed to get out of the house. Peter and I took the children to the dollar theater in Altamonte where we watched Despicable Me. It was pretty cute and well worth the $1 or so that we spent on it. After the movie we crossed over 436 to go to the Altamonte Mall. Peter needed to get something
Abbi was doing well all day but when we got to Grandma's house around 5:30 she started to complain about not feeling well again. We all ate some dinner but Abbi didn't want anything and stayed on the couch. I held her on the couch for a little bit and noticed a small rash that had broken out on the back of her neck and upper back. It wasn't too bad and seemed to look better when I pulled her hair up and let the air get it a bit. I thought it may just be a heat rash because she was awfully warm and snuggled in a blanket. After eating, Peter went to CVS to get her some medicine that was child age appropriate and she eagerly drank it up when he returned. After a little bit Abbi feeling better and up a moving a bit. The kids opened their presents and Abbi even ate a little bit of food that Papa prepared for her. She didn't get too much down before she didn't want anymore. I didn't press her on it because I knew she wasn't feeling well. Peter packed up the car with all the new toys and we got in to head home. Before we had left the driveway I saw Abbi making a face and I asked her what was wrong, she said her stomach was hurting her. I asked if she had to throw up or go to the bathroom but she said no. I went inside to get a towel in case of any accidents and then we left for home. Shortly after our ride started Abbi started crying in pain and holding her belly. She was curling up in a ball and screaming like she has never done before. Abbi is not dramatic in the least so any commotion from her is cause for alarm. I thought maybe she had gas but she insisted that wasn't the problem. On Christmas night there weren't a whole lot of options for us as far as doctors go. Peter and I discussed taking her to the ER but that wasn't really something we wanted to do. I called my friend Rena, who is a pediatrician, and told her what was going on. She said it could be a number of minor things but one thing we wanted to make sure it wasn't was appendicitis. She reminded me of Urgent Care Centers and I remembered there was an After Hours Pediatric Office right off the toll road we were on. We got off and I had Abbi walk a little bit (which she did with no more pain giving me some relief that it wasn't appendicitis) but the pain didn't seem to get better either moving to the thought that it wasn't gas. We took her inside the office and did the paperwork and insurance thing and then they took her vitals. The whole while Abbi was still screaming in pain and couldn't hold still. I lifted her up to the exam table and she doubled over holding her belly and rocking. I wanted to cry right along with her but I knew she needed me to be calm to give her some reassurance that she was going to be alright. We had to wait for the doctor which seemed like forever but I am sure it wasn't very long at all and while we were waiting I noticed Abbi's rash had spread to the majority of her body, leaving really only her face, hands, and feet alone. When the dr came in I told him that Abbi had had her flu shot and she was up to date on all vaccines. He asked about vomiting, sore throat, colds, and headaches, all of which I told him she had none of. I told him about a cough she had for a few days now, it was dry though and came mostly at night. He asked a few more questions eluding to flu symptoms but then I told him about her rash. He took a good look at her rash and said we needed to take a strep test and check for Scarlet Fever. The whole while I am texting Peter (who had the other two kids in the lobby) and Rena who is helping me keep my sanity. Scarlet Fever sounds so awful and the first thing I think of is all the deaths it contributed to in the early 1900s. Of course, this was before the discovery of penicillin but anything that could cause death and is now building fort in my baby girl is terrifying to say the least. Abbi's pain started to subside and then would come about again giving her a few moments of peace between the screaming fits. The nurse came in to perform the throat culture and I had to hold Abbi down so the nurse could get her swab. Poor Abigail started
A lady I know at church, Kathy, found me at one of the Christmas Eve services and told me her family had made something for our family that was in one of the back rooms. She said she couldn't bring it out because she would get mobbed by all the kids and that
After working all day on cleaning rooms and straightening things it was finally time to get ready for the Christmas Eve services at our church. Peter was playing for both of the services so he had to be at the church early so I got the kids all dressed up and pretty to meet him there closer to the service time.
This morning I took Abbi and Javan to Janell's house to meet her and Charlotte so we could all go to Sea World together. The day was pretty dreary and wet. There were storms expected for a better part of the day so when Janell couldn't find her pass I was a little relieved to know we wouldn't be walking around in it all day. We decided we would go to the FL Mall and just wander around. We ate lunch at the food court and then walked around. Janell picked up a few things but I didn't find anything I had to have. The kids were all very well behaved which was good because the mall was packed. When we left the mall it was busier than when we had arrived so we were happy to get out. On the way back to Janell's house we stopped at a frozen yogurt place that she frequents and got a nice treat. I think the name was Froyo's. The yogurt is in the same machines used for soft serve ice cream and
After being sick on Wednesday and having to come sick home from work just after I got there and then returning yesterday to catch up for what I missed and do the days work, I was really looking forward to today. Peter and I headed over to Tina and Noah's
Tonight was our LG Party and it was awesome. Every year we get together outside of our usual meeting place and agenda and just fellowship and enjoy each other's company.