Fire Trucks

For a few weeks now Bresa has been asking me to teach her to sew. She said she wanted to know how to make doll clothes for her animals and dolls and wanted me to show her. I was not opposed to it but I wasn't really sure how to go about starting it either. I went to Michaels looking for a simple sew kit that would get her to understand the most general stitches and their purposes but
Peter and I were talking with our good friends, Brenda and Bill, one day about marriage conferences and retreats. I said in passing that I had always wanted to go to one but we had never made it yet. Brenda and Bill had both been to a couple so they had a lot of things to say about them and different things various organizations offered. A couple months later Brenda and Bill surprised us and told us they had booked a Couples Retreat for us in Tampa and Brenda had even called my mom to make sure she could watch the kids for those dates. The conference was 3 days long, starting on Friday and ending today, and had various
I am still working on Peter and my bedroom and decided that I needed some good pictures of the kids. We have one wall that I painted green
Happy Labor Day! As usual our Life Group met for breakfast this morning and enjoyed some fellowship and friendship over our meals. After lunch Peter had to get some work done so I took all the kids to see my childhood friend, Ginger, who was in town. She and her husband just had a baby