This morning Peter and I had a Life Group Leader meeting at the church but it was also another Lowes Workshop Day. I had wanted to take the kids but the times conflicted with our meeting. Our friend, Cindy, was going to be taking her son so she offered to take our children too. I knew

they would have a great time because they were so excited about the last two that they went to so Peter and I dropped them off before our meeting and then picked them up when we were through. All the children were very eager and excited to show us their “Monster Trucks” that they had built and of course Javan wanted to show us the wheels and the cool green light on top. Once we got home and had some lunch we did a couple quick things around the house and then I had the kids get ready for a Fall Festival that was being held out in Port Orange. It was a bit of a drive but it was going on until 6 and all the other ones that were closer were ending within a ½ hour of when we left the house. I figured this way the kids could have some outdoor fun and Peter could get some quiet time at home and be able to concentrate on some work. When we got to the festival we purchased some tickets for the games and then went around and decided what we wanted to do. The children each had

6 tickets to spend so they had to be wise with their decisions. Javan played a couple games just for littler kids and had fun flipping a froggy into a bucket of water. The girls went through an inflatable obstacle course and then decided to spend another ticket on cotton candy. I took a little piece off of each for Javan. At first he didn’t like it but after watching the girls he decided he would try again. There was a bounce house there that didn’t cost any tickets and all the children played in that for a good while. Eventually I

had them come out so we could take a look at the pumpkin patch. They had really nice pumpkins but the prices were a little too steep for me so we just took a few pictures and pointed out the big ones and then went to play more games. The girls really wanted to paint little pumpkins but between the three of them they were shy just one ticket. I gave Bresa the money and she got one more ticket and then all the children got to sit and paint pumpkins.

They had a really good time and Javan sat for a long time and worked on his. When all the pumpkins were pretty we set them out in the sun to dry before we went home. We were headed back over to the bounce house when a lady stopped me and gave me 12 extra tickets that they weren’t going to use. The girls were very excited about this and after each of the children had a snow cone we went and played a few more games. We didn’t use the rest of the tickets up but it was about time to be heading home for dinner so we passed the remainder of the

tickets on to someone else and then started our drive back. Daddy had hot dogs all grilled up for us when we returned and then later our friends Janna and Joe came over for some adult conversation while the little ones played a bit and went to bed.