Happy Halloween!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We sure did. Brye started the day at school where they went on a field-trip (her very first). They went to where "grandma's and grandpa's live" and had a pumpkin parade.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween! We sure did. Brye started the day at school where they went on a field-trip (her very first). They went to where "grandma's and grandpa's live" and had a pumpkin parade.
This morning Peter woke up and he felt fine but after doing some work up at his shop he got really sick. He came home to rest but he has been sick all day. I took his temperature a little while ago and he had a fever of 101. I hope it is just a bug that will pass in the night. I hate it when he is sick and there is nothing I can do for him.
I had to go do some mainenance on my latest cache so I loaded the wagon
Abbi woke Peter up this morning to tell him she had to go potty.
Today after I left the PD I went and picked up the girls and brought them back to Sanford. I met up with my mom at Old Navy near the mall where we started a great day of fun and shopping. I don't get to see my mom as much as I use to since she got a
The largest FL geocaching event was held yesterday in the Ocala National Forrest. Cachers came from all over to compete in the Gauntlet and also to hang out and socialize with other cachers. It was an early start day and we got up before dawn and headed over. Some people drove over 500 miles to get to this cache, I drove about 30.
Travel bugs (or geocoins) are trackable items that you find in caches. They usually have a set goal to travel to a specific place and cachers are the ones who help them along their ways. You find the bugs in geocaches and when you pick them up you log
While Bresa was in school and Peter was at work, Abbi helped me put out a new cache.
While dinner was cooking we took the girls outside to give the cars a quick wash. My Dad came home from Maine today so we
Such beautiful weather calls for caching!
I have had a cold the last couple of days and I have also been working extra hours for the PD since they are having BikeFest this weekend. I went in yesterday morning like I usually do
Tonight, there was another movie in the park in Winter Park. They were playing Ghostbusters and I really wanted to go but I had
Abbi has this little 9 piece puzzle with a number on each piece from 1-9. While Brye was in school today Abbi wanted me to help her put it together over and over again. She got pretty good at it and left it on the floor when she ate lunch and then took a nap.
It's that time of year again. Peter mowed the lawn before dinner so it was time for our annual inflation of our Halloween