Love to play
Today I took the day off volunteering and took the girls to the Sanford Mall. We met up with my friend Jake and her daughter
Today I took the day off volunteering and took the girls to the Sanford Mall. We met up with my friend Jake and her daughter
I had to throw my volunteer uniform in the wash today so I could wear it again tomorrow. Peter had done a wash earlier in the day and everything seemed fine but this time we weren't so lucky.
I am very proud to say that our little girl Abigail is completely potty trained after only 3 days!! What a big girl. It definitely helps having a big sister that she wants to be just like. She had no problem with the concept right from the beginning. There were a few accidents the first day, as is completely expected, and then a bit fewer the following day. Today and yesterday she stayed "nice and dry" all day long and she even tells us when she has to go. We still ask every now and then but she always gives us an honest answer and hasn't had any problems at all. So far she wears a diaper to bed but she doesn't want to. A couple of nights she woke up dry but we still want to be safe. She does take her nap without a diaper and so far we haven't had a single wet day yet. I am so proud of my littlest girl!! Also I am so happy to be done with potty training, I really wasn't looking forward to it.
Before Brye went to school today she had to go to the Dr. for her four year checkup. When we first went in they pricked her finger for the Hemoglobin test and Brye got really upset at the nurse after that. When the doctor came in Brye told her about the nurse but did just as she was told for the doctor. Peter had read her a book about Pooh going to the doctor while we waited so Brye knew just
Today was Brye's first day of school. Peter and I took her this morning and she jumped right in with the other kids and couldn't have cared less if we were there or not. There were some other kids who were clinging to their mothers because they didn't want them to go but that was not the case for Brye at all. Peter was the only Daddy there which I was surprised at.
It seems we have adopted a new pet, or rather it has adopted us. About two weeks ago I saw a frog outside by the pond just sitting on one of the bricks. Later in the day I didn't see him so I figured he went on his way. Well the next morning he was there
The last day of our away weekend and we had another park to visit. We checked out of the Marriot and drove over to Disney. After getting to the Magic Kingdom we met my friend, Dave, at the gate where he gave us tickets and we talked for a while. After finding some waymarks
Saturday morning we got up and packed our things. There was only one night available at the discounted rate that Janell got us so we had to go to a different hotel for Saturday night. We got all ready and after picking up tickets that Janell left for us we went we Universal Studios.
Friday began Peter and I's weekend away. He still worked at the shop during the day but that night we had tickets to go see Blue Man Group. I had bought the tickets for him as a surprised but
I finally got a little camera to carry around with me everywhere I go. I have wanted one for when I go out caching or just go out
After some grocery shopping and little bit of
Today I took the girls over to my Dad's again to go swimming. There was no fear this time. Brye got her innertube and jumped
After the downpour yesterday I looked out back and saw a little bunny. We use to see bunnies all the time when we first moved