Sunday, January 27
Saturday, January 26
My Princesses
Aunt Janell and Uncle Wyatt took the girls to the Pirate and Princess night at Disney. There were going to the park for a while and then going to a Character Dinner with all the characters. After that they are staying in one of Disney's hotels and then coming

Friday, January 25
Daytona Beach
Thursday, January 24
Too much to do
You may have noticed that last week and this week I have been slacking a bit when it comes to the blog. I have good reasons, so let me explain. Most of you know that I started school last year in the Fall semester. I took three classes because my fourth was dropped when there weren't enough students enrolled in it. I decided that I really wanted to get a job at the SPD so instead of just moping around waiting for it I decided to get a degree to help me along and add to my resume along with the volunteer work I was giving. Well I ended up getting my job at SPD a couple months into the semester but since I had already started school I decided I would continue on to get my degree. You never know what the future holds and a degree can't hurt. Anyhow, last semester I earned a 4.0 with straight A's in all my classes and decided to take up three more classes this semester. I am currently taking Math, Development Psychology, and Physical Science. I go to school Tues, Wed, and Thurs nights. I wake up on these days around 5:30, get ready for work, make dinner for the family so it is ready for them when they get home in the evening, I go to work, come home, finish preparing dinner, do my homework, go to school, come home, eat dinner, and go to bed. As you can

Monday, January 21
Lucy's in the Dog House
Lucy hasn't been the best kitty the last few days. Normally she is great but maybe because I am away at work or school more she has been acting up. Saturday night, when we got home from our friend Scott and Diane's it was pretty late and I guess Lucy was
Sunday, January 20
Warm and Cozy

Saturday, January 19
Story Time
My Dad and Judy came home from Maine a couple weeks ago but Judy was sick so I didn't get to see them until today. They stopped by the house to see me and the girls after they visited Peter at the shop. The girls showed them how much they loved

Friday, January 18
Christmas still?

Wednesday, January 16
Tuesday, January 15
Another piece to the puzzle

Monday, January 14
Sunday, January 13
After church today, Peter had to go to town to take care of a few things so the girls and I stayed home to play. Brye wanted to

Friday, January 11
Please Pray

It is with a saddened heart, but filled with faith and hope that I update you on Donna.
She got the word today that her cancer, renal cancer of the lungs, is inoperable and incurable. There are 3 treatments available and for now she will be on a pill which is rather new and all of the side effects aren't known. She will be four weeks on, two weeks off. If this fails, they can go to an IV treatment. , and quite honestly I forget what the 3rd one is . No radiation. The doctor told her to go on with the trip which she and Dennis had paid for and planned since August. Going skiing in Colorado with their 2 boys and the boys girlfriends. She will have a rough road ahead.
I would also ask that you please pray that the insurance company will pay for the medications which are very expensive.
Thank you all for your support, love and concern. Donna appears to be in pretty good shape in spite of the news she got awhile ago.
Thursday, January 10
Breakfast for dinner
I have been working a bit of overtime lately, trying to get the place in order before I start school next week. I left the office

Wednesday, January 9
Today, while I was at work, the ladies up in Records (where anyone who comes through the door has to talk to before anyone will come and help them) called me in my office and told me that I had something up front. I was really confused because normally they only call me to tell me someone is there that wants some property or some State's Attorney wants to view evidence or

Tuesday, January 8
Guitar Stuph!
Well, we've been quite busy around here lately. Chellee's been trying to catch up a bit at work and so she's taking the night off from the blog. I thought I'd fill everyone in on some of the details of my latest project.
I've been building a bass for one of my customers. I've been working on it a bit longer than I anticipated, but it's been coming together better than I'd hoped.
It's a design collaboration between Dan (my customer) and I built to his spec. You can read about it on my guitar web site. Check back often for more shop project news.
Sunday, January 6

Play, for young and old(er)

Thursday, January 3
Peter's Famous, Again!

Tuesday, January 1
Back to the Woods