Play Ball!

Peter and I took the girls over to Miss Kim's house and then headed over to the new Ikea in Orlando for a little browsing and shopping. I had just gone the new one in Cincinnati when I was visiting Tina in Ohio but I had been to the one in Toronto and one near DC also. I took a catalog home with me and started picking out a few things I wouldn't mind having. Peter and I have been married for going on 8 years now and though we have, probably more than, enough furniture in our house, not a single piece of it was bought new, or by us for that matter. We are really blessed to have so many nice things and we have used
I had a pretty quite birthday this year, and there's nothing wrong with that. I had to work on Wednesday so that wasn't too fun. All the investigators and my Sergeant and one CST took me out to lunch though and I got to pick, so we went to sushi, even though some of them were hesitant. All the people in CID (Criminal Investigations Division) signed a card for me and then we had cake back at the station. It was really sweet and more than anyone I have ever worked with done for me before. After work I was suppose to go to my Psych class and figured I would go for half the class and then leave since the class is 3 hours long, but I couldn't bring myself to go at all. Peter wanted to take me out to dinner but I really just wanted to stay home and have a quiet night.
On the right of the screen, under the Links title, you will see a new link that says "Brian's Navy Blog." My youngest brother, Brian, just got stationed in Virginia on a ship as a Gunner's mate. Brian has put some really cool pictures of his ship and a little video of him playing with a firearm (my kind of thing). Take a look, it's really cool, just click on the link, it will take you there.
Home Sweet Home. My plane landed this morning at 11:23 and Peter was waiting for me at the airport with the girls. I had a great time with Tina and Noah but I missed Peter and the girls so much. I was so excited to see them and the plane ride seemed like it took forever. I was so happy to back in Peter's arms again and there is nothing as sweet as little girl hugs and kisses and hearing the words "Mommy, we missed you!!" Thank you for everything Tina and Noah, I love your place and definitely want to come visit again shortly but I sure did miss my family.
The weather today is a lot drearier than yesterday's sunshine. The rain started before I woke up and continued all day with the exception of a couple windows of dryness. Tina had made appointments for us to go get facials later in the day so we did a little shopping before it was time for us to head that way. Tina and Noah have a wide collection of boardgames and there is one in particular that I really like called Carcussone. It's a German strategy game with different expansions. Tina and I went to downtown Dayton first and then visited a small International food store before we headed over to a little game store where they bought some of their things. Unfortunately they didn't have the original Carcussone but they did have an expansion that Tina didn't own so she got that and then we went to get our facials. I have
Today has been a beautiful day here in Ohio. The sun was out and the temperature was in the 50s. Noah had some work to do so Tina and I went out to play, just like old times. :) We all had breakfast and then Tina and I went to some wetlands a couple miles away from the house. We walked the path that is about a mile and claimed an
Today was a beautiful day with the high of about 45, I think. Tina had to go to a couple classes so I wandered the mall and then around the mall to get some caches. I hadn't had any cache finds in Ohio yet so I needed at least one here so I could color in another state on my map of states cached in. I picked up a couple easy ones and
My best friend, Tina, lives in Ohio with her husband and she has wanted me to come visit since she moved here almost two years ago. With the girls and such, I was never able to make it up here but this year for my birthday, Tina got me plane tickets so I had no excuse. I counted the days down and finally my spring break started and today, after work, I got on the plane and come up.
Dear Friends & Family,
Peter and I have been researching schools for Brye to go to since she starts Kindergarten this year. We really liked a private school in Deland but the price was a little steep and when it was time for Abbi to start we didn't want them to be separated or have to take Brye out of the school she had already started. We found this really great gifted program that Volusia County puts on for free. In order to be accepted into the program, for this coming school year, we would have to get Brye tested by a private child psychologist. Peter found a good Dr and made an appointment and today we took Brye in. The Dr was impressed immediately with her personality and after a little talking and explaining the test began. We weren't aloud to be in the room so we waited while the test took just over an hour. When they came out I asked Brye what she did and she told me a few things and then the Dr gave us the results.
Hi everyone
After work, I had some things to do in the yard so I moved the vans and let the girls ride around on their really cool tricycles that