Happy Halloween

Every year an organization called, "Canstruction" puts on an event where people come together and make structures out of cans and nonperishable foods. It's a competition with recognition going to the best structure produced. After the event all the food
I have been pretty down this last week. Everything is good with Peter and I and the kids and all but other things have thrown us for a loop and I got hit pretty hard. I have been trying to cope and move on and as long as I have distractions I am alright but as soon as I have a moment to think I just break down. Well, among many of my friends, Kelli and Brenda and their husbands have been
When I first started at Sanford Police Department I was invited to a Property and Evidence Association of Florida (PEAF) meeting by a lady who worked at another agency. It sounded interesting so I started going to the quarterly meetings and came to know a lot of the local Evidence Techs and made a lot of helpful contacts. At the meetings we discuss issues and problems we all have to deal with and then have open discussions for any questions we may be working through or have come across recently. Since I am moving to a new building in the next couple of weeks I have gathered a lot of information about what people like about their vaults and what they didn't like as well as different vendors they used and what equipment they couldn't live without. Each year we have a state wide two day conference for all of the PEAF members. It's a great way to get know other agencies and hear new ideas and perspectives. The meetings are always hosted by a different agency (whoever volunteers) and after our discussions we take a tour of the agencies evidence storage and buildings (always the best part).
I am sure that I have mentioned before that Peter and I love our church. We just feel right at home there and even though we may be busy with our church duties more often in the week than not, we wouldn't trade it for anything. We love striving hard after Christ and it is our passion that our children will come to know Him at an early age and continue their walk with Him into adulthood. About 2-3 times a year our church holds a Friday night service called Consume where we come together for intense prayer and passionate worship. There isn't much sermon but the prayer is continuous during the night. The last few times we had Consume the church had put up white paper all over the walls of the sanctuary with sharpies so you could write your prayer request right on the wall. You don't have to put names or specifics just anything or anyone you wanted or needed prayer for. Throughout Consume you could just get up and write or you could go read the request and pray for someone in need. The