Riding Charley

Happy Birthday Delaney!! Today we went to a birthday party for a friend of ours, she turned the big 4 on the 25th and we celebrated today. There was cake and presents and lots of swimming. The girls both had a great time and by the end of it Abbi could hardly stand up she was so tired. After we strapped them in the car we barely made it out of the developement
Our friend Rayna, is having a baby due in December and she had a baby shower today. The shower was down in Fort Myers so we took a long car ride and visited with our friends. The trip didn't seem so long because we did so geocaching along the way, that really helps to break up the monotany of the trip and it seems so much shorter.
We here at the Taylor household have been keeping busy lately. Yesterday Peter had to work all day and girls and I cleaned up the house. Peter got off work at 5 so that I could go to the Police Department and volunteer my time. Then as I was getting home my friend Reba called. She just finished taking the BAR in
Today I made pillows for the girls so they can be more comfortable in the car when they fall asleep.
In Brye's Tumble Class they use bean bags to help in certian activities. The children put them on their heads while they are on the balance beam to help create good posture and form, we throw and catch the bean bags to help build coordination, the children use them as "babies" when they act like animals jumping and crawling to build strength in their arms and legs. Grandma had a great idea to make some for Brye so she could practice at home. So Brye and I went off to the store and she picked out four different patterns of materials she wanted the bean bags to be made from. We even picked out a couple extras to help decorate the bean bags with a "snowflake" and letters to spell out her name. I sewed them all up with my sewing machine my mom got me for Christmas a few years ago, and now we are all ready to practice!
I was having a little camoe problem with a Geocache that I had placed so I sought help from a fellow cacher in my area and was able to come up with something that blended in better. The location of my geocache is under a
Tonight we dropped the girls off at our friend Kim's house and then Peter and I went out to dinner and movie. Something we haven't done in probably a year and a half. We wanted to go see Pirates but by the time we got there the two soonest
Check out Abbi helping me out, click here to view the video. It's a short one minute movie of her at home. Sorry it's so small but we wanted to make it easy to load for those who have a slower internet connection.
We finished editing all our pictures we shot for the wedding we did last weekend so I started playing with a few to add special effects for the new couple. I like the fun stuff much better than the editing part because I can be as creative as I want and I have no limitations. We usually give the couples 8-10 "Special Effects" photos to go along with all their regular pictures. People really go crazy over this stuff, it is so fun to do though I never get tired of it.
Brye helps out all over the house. She cleans her room and all her toys that are laying around. She even helps me unload the dishwasher. Whenever I ask her to anything she is always anxious to help me out, I couldn't ask for a better helper. One of her favorite things to do is bake. She makes
Peter and I had shot another wedding today. The ceremony was at a church in Apopka and the reception was at another church in Winter Garden. It was a great wedding and you could tell that both the families and all the friends were really close. Those are always the best weddings to shoot. We got about 600 pictures of the whole thing and from what we have