Playing Hookie
Last week I requested a couple days off of work for no particular reason, it was just time for a little break I think. I asked for today and the Wednesday in two weeks. Since the

Last week I requested a couple days off of work for no particular reason, it was just time for a little break I think. I asked for today and the Wednesday in two weeks. Since the
As I was driving home from work yesterday I smelled something unusual in the car. It didn’t smell bad just different. I thought perhaps I left something in the car that had food remnants on it but that is extremely unlike me so I didn’t give it much thought. This morning on my way to work I still noticed a faint smell but didn’t think about it too long. On my way home, however, when I turned on the AC I knew something wan't right. It definitely smelled like the beach with the oily air and dead fish fragrance. I got home and changed and was going to take the kids to the store when the smell was really bad and the AC made it worse. I popped the hood and looked in the engine and eventually saw what I could identify as a tail. Gross. I moved Oscar into the shade over the grass and Peter did what he could to remove what was left of this poor animal. It seems a cat must have crawled up in the engine and died there. I don’t know if the cat died naturally because he was sick (often times cats will go hide somewhere they have never been if they know they are going to die to be alone) or if my engine and fan had a part in it. I have never seen this cat before so I sure hope he wasn’t someone’s pet who had escaped. When Peter was working on removing the
A very Happy Father's Day to all the Daddies out there! We have the best Daddy here in our house so we were sure to try and make the day special for him. We went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast at Peter's request and then we went to church. Since Peter
Usually when you hear these words they are in reference to something creepy crawly, soft and furry, or sticky and sugary. Not from my kids though. I took Abbi and Javan to the Debary Farmers Market this morning to look at their produce. I had heard good things so I wanted to check it out for myself.
There is something about the kids getting out of school that makes me feel like I need to be more productive. I am not sure what it is, I still have to work everyday but each summer it seems I find projects to do or things around the house that just must be
Peter and I were in the bedroom when we heard the strumming of an acoustic guitar, a certian little boy must have found an
Last year our friends gave us tickets to go see The Rock and The Rabbi in Orlando. Peter and I were both blown away by the performance and we haven't been able to stop raving about it since. Our friend is on the mailing list for shows coming up so when she found out when they were coming back to town we made sure to get our tickets. We talked to a few other people who wanted to come too and we made plans to all go together. Around 3:00 Peter and I dropped the kids off with Grandma and met Brenda, Bill, Lisa, Will, Rebecca, PJ, and PJs dad at the theater and found our seats before the show started. Even though Peter and I have seen the show before, I was totally taken by it again. The story of Peter and his walk with Jesus is just so moving. The
Abbi had waited very patiently and finally the day arrived. After making sure the rooms were clean and the girls were dressed with hair all pretty we headed out to the bowling alley to have Abbi's party. We had reserved the room for the party weeks ago and when we arrived there was a long table all set up with plates and cups, balloons, and bowling pin for the birthday girl. As the
Tonight I kissed my four year old good night for the last time. Tomorrow Abbi will wake up and be "a whole hand full" with five fingers flashing, one for each of her years. My baby girl is growing up and I am so sad! I asked her what I was supposed to do without my four year old? Her response was, "Javan will be four some day." A few months ago Abbi said she was going to stay
My mom had bought this inflatable water ball at the store for really cheap and thought the girls would have fun with it during the summer. The ball was supposed to rise up in the air from the water pressure but the design was poor and the plastic weighed too much for the ball to move at all. That didn't stop the kids from having a blast though. I set up the ball in the backyard and the kids played for almost two hours with it. Javan, who I thought may be hesitant, jumped right in and ran with the rest of them. Here are just a few pictures from their fun.