Good Bye

On any given Sunday our church has about 800 people on campus. There are lots of ways to serve in a church this size and some of them need more help than others. Peter and I are pretty active, we lead a Life Group together, Peter is the lead guitarist for the Worship Team that plays for the services on Sundays, we have both taught Crown classes and may again in the future if they need us. Well a few months ago I was asked by the lead Pastor's wife if I would join the Women's Ministry. For as many people as we have in the church the WM is pretty small with only about 10 ladies that run it. Apparently you have to be voted in unanimously
Since Bresa is getting older Peter and I have made her in charge of a few more things around the house. We are trying to show her that with age comes responsibilities and sometimes that means things we don't want to do. Since she has been doing well so far I decided that she could have one more responsibility but this time it would be something a little more fun. Bresa had been talking
My brother, Steve, just got off a 7 month deployment and gets a couple weeks leave time before he has to go back to work. He decided to drive down here with his wife, Heather, and their son, Tyler, to hang out for a bit. They are staying at mom's house and didn't have too many plans for the weekend so Peter and I decided to take advantage of their time here. Saturday afternoon we met up with them at the Seminole Towne Center Mall where we walked around and talked. It was pouring rain out but decided to run through the drops to our cars and head over to Sonny's for dinner. We all enjoyed a big meal and then we explored The World Market we had all heard a lot about. From there we parted ways to go home and get some rest. This morning Steve and Heather came to our church for the service with mom. As usual,
Today marked Abbi's first day of Kindergarten.
It's been 10 years since Peter and I got married. We were just kids when we started out and we had no idea what we had ahead of us. There were hard times and tears of sorrow but there have also been so many more happy times and joyful tears. We just went on vacation last week so I hadn't planned on taking any more time off but since it was a big anniversary we figured we had to do something fun with no kids. My mom took the kids yesterday and Peter and I drove over to Tampa. We stayed at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on the Tampa Bay. The hotel was amazing and we had a beautiful room with a wonderful view (which you can see
Time to pack up and head back home today. We had to be out of the house by 11:00 so we set to work packing everything up and making sure to look under all the couches and chairs for misplaced toys. Mom made oatmeal for everyone and the kids ate theirs up while watching a movie as the rest of us gathered our things. We collected all the clothes and toys, packed up the guitars and emptied the fridge. Peter packed up Oscar and made sure to double check all the drawers and closets for clothes and belongings. Before we left we took a couple more pictures of the kids and then a few shots of all of us sitting on big rock by the creek. My
Peter and I have friends that live in Sanford, NC which is closer to the east coast that we haven’t seen in quite a while. We use to come up and visit them on occasion and they would come down and visit us but lately the travel budgets have been depleted so the last time we saw Robert and Jackie was probably two-three years ago. Peter had called Robert and told him we were coming to
After not quite enough sleep I got up when I heard little footsteps and giggling. Grandma had set up the kids with cereal and went back to bed so once they were finished I set up a movie for them and took my bible out to the creek to read. I did the same thing yesterday and it was very peaceful and tranquil sitting next to the flowing water. When I came back in Sean was up and getting breakfast so I went and woke up Peter too. Eventually everyone was up and dressed and we decided to go to Ashville which is only about 20 miles away. My mom wanted to stay home with Javan again so the rest of us loaded up in Oscar and rode together. We were hoping to get to go tubing down a river here but pretty soon the rain started in.
We left for NC just before 6 am this morning.