Daddy's Helper

Lately I have been on a kick to try and create new things. I am one of those people who cook because my family needs to eat and not because I want to. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind cooking but I can't say that I enjoy it all that much either (especially all the dishes that come with it). I do like making new things and experimenting with cool recipes that sound promising and I become proud of my creations when I get lots of rave reviews from my food critics (usually my Life Group). At the beginning of each week I make up a menu for each night and then make my grocery list based on what I need for those meals. Coming up with 7 different meals every week becomes difficult sometimes and it seems like we have the same things over and over again. Trying to get out of a rut I decided to expand on what meals I make at home. Earlier in the week I made homemade potato skins. They were delicious and so much less greasy than the kind you order at restaurants. I loaded them with all the fixings and together the family devoured them.
Since we have a new clean building and I no longer sit in a room full of drugs and guns
So there are lots of local churches throwing big Easter things and they all offer different activities but pretty much all of them have an egg hunt for the kids. I was looking in the area and found one in Deltona that went on and on about all the things to do. The times were pretty long so I figured this was our safest bet so after serving for our hour slot at
Last year Peter and I went to
Every year before
Peter had Worship Team Practice tonight and I wanted to do something fun with the kids. While I was making dinner I asked Peter to run to a Red Box Movie Rental stand and get Disney's Tangled movie. We hadn't seen it yet and I had heard good things about it. I didn't tell the kids my plan but after dinner Abbi asked if we could watch a movie. I told her we could but I wanted to see
This morning I had to take Bresa to school late so I could get her to the hospital for an EKG. She is fine and her test were perfectly normal but the doctor had ordered a test before she would prescribe Bresa medication for possible ADD. After the EKG I had to take both Bresa and Javan to the lab to have blood drawn. Bresa's was for the prescription again and Javan's was just for his annual