Happy Memorial Day

I don't remember when we got our fish pond out front. I remember it was Father's Day and the oldest post I could find about it was in 2005 so we have had it at least 6 years. Well, for the first time ever our fish have reproduced. I don't know when this happened or how often it has happened but this afternoon I was just watching the fish nip at the surface when I saw a little white fish that was definitely too small to be one of the 5 we have had. I told Peter and he said he saw it too. Later I took the children out to see if we could see him and much
This morning I decided to take the girls to the farmer's market to see what they had going on. I left Javan with Daddy so we could have some girl time. We found some nice green peppers and we tried some delicious watermelon so of course we had to buy one. We picked the perfect one and it was just $3.50. The girls were very excited to get it. While at the market we ran into several
The girls have helped me make treats lots of times but today I helped them. They made Raspberry Cheesecake Bars pretty much entirely by themselves. Bresa read all the directions, step by step, and together her and Abbi mixed the ingredients and put everything together. Really, all I did was supervise and move things to and from the oven. Bresa even set all the timers for each thing that needed to bake. Abbi was great at adding the ingredients to the bowls and mixing things up, she even added one of the eggs without getting any shell in the mixture.
With Javan being two now it was time for us to start looking for a big boy bed. Both the girls were in their big girl beds by they time they turned two but boys are different and since he wouldn't be moving out of the nursery into a new room like the girls we had to find something to replace the crib. I got lucky and found this bed that starts as a toddler bed but slides out to a twin size on Criagslist for just $30. It's like new and they still sell the bed at Ikea for $180. The people lived just about next door to my mom so she picked it up and brought it over. The bed sat in our living room for a few days until I had time to figure out how to
Peter had a meeting with Bresa's teacher today to discuss Bresa's goals for the upcoming year (something they do each year with each of the student's parents). The meeting went fine and only great things were said about Bresa and also a few good stories were told. Here is one of them:
I woke up this morning to the smell of Ghirardelli chocolate chip pancakes cooking. Moments later Peter brought them to me in bed where I enjoyed my delicious breakfast. Bresa rushed in to give me a bunch of homemade cards and pictures and a little purse she constructed filled with yummy chocolate. We had to run around to get ready for church but we made it just as the band was starting to play (Peter had this week off). After saying goodbye to everyone after the service we collected the children and picked up a quick lunch at Checkers. We went home to eat and then headed to Sanford so I could take back a pair of jeans I had bought
I enjoy serving on the WM team but sometimes I do miss just attending the events and not having to worry about all the behind-
When my sergeant started telling me that I needed to take a vacation I knew it was time to get away. Normally, for my birthday, I go up to Ohio to see Tina and Noah, but now that they moved to Orlando I had no reason to go anywhere. Not taking a break from work was getting to me so Tina planned a girl's getaway for us and Rena and Reba. We got a hotel up in St. Augustine and just took each day at a time.