Beautiful Weather

The parents of the twins decided to sell the car that they had here and asked if I knew anyone who was interested. I immediately called my friend Brenda because her car was dying and she had just asked me to keep my eyes out for a reliable car just the day before. Turns out the car was perfect for what Brenda and Bill were looking for and today they were going to drive over to where the parents were staying to pick it up. Since they were going over there and I figured I could tag along and that way they could drive home together in there new car and I could just drive home after I hung out with the parents and babies a bit. I asked the girls if they were interested in coming along. I didn’t know if they would be since we had just made the 5.5 hour drive last
After a wonderful meal yesterday we were, once again, lazy this morning. Not too much went on at the house. Peter did manage to get the Christmas things down from the attic and I baked a couple loaves of Pumpkin Bread for this evening. The Christmas tree that we have was given to us by my Dad and Judy and my Dad had rigged it to be pre-lit by wrapping the branches with lights himself. It was great and looked really nice but in the last couple years we realized that more and more strands were going dead and at this point only about half of them were lit anymore. We discussed our options and decided that taking all the old lights off was our best bet (at least from a financial standpoint). Peter and I started the task and the children eagerly jumped in and were quite helpful. I think every bit helped for this chore. My Dad was very thorough in stringing the tree so it took a long time to get anywhere with it. We finished the very top and very bottom of the tree before we called it quits and decided to head to Target for a little Black Friday shopping. I didn’t really need much, most of the children’s gifts were already purchased, but I like to see the specials they have and pick up a couple cheaply priced gifts for gift exchanges for the various Christmas Parties we go to. We got to the store in the afternoon so the morning rush was over and really the store was not that crowded. We got a couple things and looked at others but in the end we really only spent money on the new LED lights we got for the tree. We stopped at the house and dropped off the goodies and picked up the things we needed for tonight and then drove over to Mom’s house.
This morning I left Peter alone to see if he could get some rest but he decided to try and get some work done instead. It didn't work out so well for him though because his meds make him feel bad. Anyhow, I had signed the kids up for a workshop at Lowe's so we drove to the store and got our materials after we had signed in. This week the kids were making a Science Lab. It was really simple and only had 8 nails to pound in and
Well I got all the medical attention last week so it is only fair that Peter gets some too. Last year when Peter went to the dentist for a regular check up and cleaning he was informed that he needed to get his wisdom teeth taken out. Peter had told me that he had already had his WT taken out but it turns out that the teeth previously removed were his premolars before he got his braces on. We kept putting off getting his WT pulled because of the expense and the time that it takes for recovery and everything else. Finally I made a phone call to the oral surgeon that our dentist recommended. Peter went in for a consultation and got a price quote and for the first time ever I was happy to have the insurance we have. Because two of Peter's WT were impacted, one was completely parallel to his jaw bone, only an oral surgeon could pull them out. The other could have been done by our dentist under local anesthesia but that would mean Peter would be awake for it and he would have to make two trips and recover twice to get all his WT out. When we figured the costs both ways it wasn't much more to have the oral surgeon
Last night around 10 or shortly after Peter and I went to bed. I took some minor medication for the cramps I had been feeling. I really wanted to get a good nights sleep and I knew the pain would most likely wake me up. I didn't have any trouble falling asleep as I was so tired from not getting much yesterday. I slept until exactly 5am when my body decided it was time to get up. Peter woke up about 10 minutes later but wanted to go back to sleep so I figured I would try too. I asked him if he wanted to share the bed with me and he got pretty excited. We found a comfortable position and soon we were both asleep again. I think that sleep was better than any other I had in the last couple of days. Around 8am we woke up again and decided to stay up. Peter ordered me breakfast and when it came there was enough to share. We didn't do much just relaxed and caught up on emails and texts again. We watched the TV a bit and read some from our books. It was nice not be on a schedule or have to worry about childcare things. Around 10 the IPs came in to say hi. Last night they had brought me some bottles so I could try and pump some so this morning I had just a little bit for them to take. I asked about baby B and they said she was doing well but they were waiting for her to have a bowel movement before they would consider letting her leave the NICU. After the IPs left we were served a special couple's lunch that is provided for patients and their spouses who just gave birth. The food wasn't too great but there was a decent quantity of it so it filled us both up nicely. Around 1:15pm my doctor came in and talked about follow up appointments and made sure that I knew the routine. Shortly after that a nurse came in with the discharge papers and told us there was no rush for us to leave but that we could whenever we wanted to. I had spoken to the IPs and they said that as soon as baby B had drank the milk I pumped for her she had a bowel movement and now everything was looking great. Around 3 Peter and I went up to the nursery to see the babies. It was baby B's feeding time and the IPs were with them. They had taken baby A into the NICU with them so the sisters could be together.
I got very little sleep last night. It's never easy for me to sleep somewhere other than my own bed and even harder when Peter isn't next to me. He stayed in the room with me last night but he was in a recliner next to my bed. The nurses came to check on me regularly so it was hard to get sleep there and then my internal clock had me up at 5am because that is when I normally get up during the week. During one of the check ins I requested some pain relief for my cramps. They weren't really bad so I only asked for the very smallest and weakest strength medication they had to offer. At 7 my doctor came in and woke me up. He asked if I wanted to go home today. I was really surprised he would release me so soon but he knew the situation and knew that I would want to get back to my normal life and since I didn't have babies to take care of here I had no reason to stay since the birth went so well. I told him I wasn't sure because I knew it would be easier to get rest here whereas at home I have three children and a house to take care of. He said it was up to me and after we spoke for a few minutes I was too awake to go back to sleep right then. I checked my phone and answered some emails and texts and then updated my status on Facebook so everyone would know the girls had arrived (I was too beat to do it last night). Peter ordered breakfast for me and when it came up he went down to get some coffee and food for him too. Shortly after Peter came back with his food a nurse came to my room with baby A. There was some confusion with the nursery nurses and they didn't understand that I wasn't taking care of the babies while they were here. I texted the IM to see where she was. I didn't want to step on any toes by letting A come in my room but I was excited to see her again too. It was feeding time
I woke this morning as usual, to the sound of my alarm clock going off at 5am. I got up and ready for work and started my day. When I got to work I was greeted by a large amount of evidence from a search warrant the day before. The morning went pretty quickly with all the work I had to do and my weekly appointment at SCSO and before I knew it it was lunch time. Since I hadn't brought anything for lunch I decided to meet Peter for a quick bite. We just got Wendy's since I had to be back at work by 1pm for a news conference regarding the evidence from the search warrant. Right before I left I started feeling some small contractions that were stronger than the Braxton Hicks I had been feeling but not so painful they prevented me from doing my normal activities. I returned to work and the contractions stayed fairly consistent. I decided to wait a little bit before I called the IPs because I didn't want them to head out if this wasn't the real thing. The intended mother (IM) beat me to the call though when she called me out of the blue just to see how I was doing. I told her about what I was feeling and we decided she would call back in an hour to see how things were. I made sure to get everything set up for if I were to go into active labor and not return to work for a while. I told my boss that I didn't think I would be coming in the next day and sent out a couple emails to tell people about what to do in my absence. The IM called again and I told her things hadn't changed much; that the contractions weren't stronger but also had not subsided. She said they would get things together and head our way. I stayed at work until my normal time and left just before 4pm. I was still having contractions but they weren't getting stronger but I was feeling a lot of lower abdomen pressure. I still wasn't sure if this was prelabor or not. I had called my mom to tell her this could be it so that she could get her things together and come to the house to take care of the children if we had to head to the hospital. When I got home I wasn't really sure what to do. At one point the contractions stopped for at least 30 minutes but then would come back at 2-3 minutes apart but not real strong. Just before 5pm I called the doctor's office and my doctor called me back just after 5. I told him about the contractions and how they had stopped and started up. I wasn't sure what to do but he told me to come in. I told him it would be a while and he said that was fine. Mom made it to the house and I took a shower as Peter finished packing my hospital bag. Once I was out and dressed I was ready to get going. I wasn't in much pain still and could still walk and talk and be normal during the contractions. I kissed the kids goodbye and hugged mom and then Peter and I left for the hospital. It was about 5:45 at this point and Peter said we should get something to eat on the way. I wasn't hungry but I knew that if they decided to keep me they wouldn't let me eat until after the babies were born. We stopped at Chick-fil-A and then got on I-4 to head to the Halifax Hospital in Daytona. We made it to the hospital and went up to the maternity ward where we had to stop and register before we could go in. It didn't take very long and we were sent in around 6:20. When we got to the front desk they directed us to a triage room where I changed into a gown and got hooked up to the fetal and contraction monitors. My contractions were peaking around 60 and were about 2-3 minutes apart still. I still really wasn't sure if they would keep me or not. At my appointment last Friday I was 3 cm dilated and I knew that it probably wouldn't take much to have me dilate more. The nurse