Happy New Year!!

My mom got all the grand kids bicycles and they all went nuts with them throughout the house. We tried to get them to all sit and smile for a photo but you can imagine how hard that is with four preschoolers on three wheelers.
One of the reasons I had Michael take the girl's Christmas picture instead of doing it myself was because I wanted a new family photo also. The other reason was that Michael takes great pictures and I knew I would have a lot of good shots to choose from.
You really haven't experienced Christmas until you
It occurred to me that I hadn't posted any pictures of our tree and I know a few of you had asked me to do so. As you can see,
Hopefully most of you are receiving your Christmas Cards now. Like usual we sent them out a bit late. We had Michael come over and take some shots with his gear. He got some really great photos and I had to go through them all to find just a couple to send out. I spent the next day picking out which pictures to use and then designing the card and making the file to submit for printing and send out. I think they turned out really great. I am sure that there are a few people who I didn't have addresses for that I couldn't send cards to. If you would like a card and don't get one in the next couple of days you can send me your address and I will get one out to you.
When we bought the new car we bought two new car seats so we wouldn't have to move the old ones every time we wanted to take the other car. We still had the empty boxes for the
For those of you Floridians who
This morning around 6:00AM Peter and I were awoken by my phone ringing. It was Jim calling to tell me there was severe weather in our area and we needed to take action. Peter went and got the girls from their beds, who seemed somewhat awake. The thunder was pretty loud so they were already pretty scared. A few minutes later my mom called and told us there were tornados coming our way. We turned the news on and sure enough we were directly in the path. We started getting
It's hard to believe that Christmas is so close already. With my new job, and everything else, time has just flown by. Brye has been asking me if we could make cookies for Santa for a long time so I figured today was as good a day as any. We went to the store and we were surprised to Santa. Publix had him for a few hours this morning and they were taking pictures for free and
Our friend Rayna left New Orleans yesterday with her baby boy, Chance, and drove all the way to our house. They stopped overnight
I love seeing these Sandhill Cranes. They are so big and gentle. They make a really loud noise and they are always in pairs. Sometimes there are more than just two and I have seen up to 6 together at once. I love to see them around Orange City, they