Today my Dad and Judy came over to put up tile for our backsplash in the kitchen.
It's been three weeks since my C-section and I know for sure that my body is healing now. I can get up easily and bend and sit and stand without any problems. I still feel pain at times if I move in a direction that pulls on my incision or if I have been up and walking for too long. I get a lot of pain in my back when I do too much but once I lay down for a while it feels better. I still try and take it easy for the most part but I am definitely starting to get back to normal. I am not aloud to exercise of course and I still can't lift heavy things (including the children) and at times it is frustrating. I have been helping out more around the house which makes me feel a bit better so Peter doesn't have to do it all. I still can't vacuum or sweep and it hurts to wash the girls hair because I have to bend over for too long. I'm getting better slowly, but I am getting better. I still remember the pain being so bad that it seemed like I would never get over it, I am so happy that stage is over.
Today marks two weeks since I had my surgery. The first week was really hard and the first part of the second week wasn't much better. Just in the last couple of days I have really felt a difference in my healing. I am able to move quite a bit more than I could before though there are still some movements that bring me pain. I have to be careful not to stretch or move in some ways because it pulls on my incision and feels like it is going to rip back open. I have lost about 28 pounds so far but I don't want to lose all the weight I gained (41 lbs.) since I was a little underweight to begin with. I don't go to the dr again for another 4 weeks when I will have my regular post partum checkup. Since I am finally starting to feel better I have hope that it won't be too much longer for my recovery. There are a lot of things I miss being able to do but I won't get the go ahead until I am 6 weeks post partum and my Dr says it's okay. I must say after all the pain I was in it feels like it was a lot longer than 14 days ago when I delivered, I am so happy I am starting to feel better finally!
I have many friends in the geocaching world and word seems to spread pretty quick when something exciting happens. It seemed that everyone knew that I was pregnant with triplets though I personally only told a handful of cachers. Every cacher has their own profile page where you are free to post whatever information you care to share.
This evening Rena and Reba came by. It was great to see them again. I was happy to hear from them saying they wanted to swing by as I am still in no condition to really go anywhere to meet people.
Yesterday was the first day that I actually started to feel better. My mom came over and helped with the house and watched the kids while Peter was at work. I was actually able to get up for a little bit and do a bit of walking. I thought that I was finally on my way to recovery but this morning I woke up and found my bandage over my incision filled with blood. I hadn't had much bleeding at all in the last couple of days so this alarmed me enough and I made a promise to Peter that I would call the doctor. I was really afraid to call because I didn't want any more pain inflicted on me and I was afraid of what they would say. So anyhow I finally got up the courage to call and they wanted me to come in today. They were worried that my incision was infected and they wanted to check it out right away. I had an appointment for this coming Monday but they said that was too long to wait. Peter closed his shop early and we went in to the Dr's office and had them check me out. They said everything looked good and that my bleeding was probably the result of a blood clot. They put new sutures on it where the old ones had dried and fallen off. They said I was good to go but where the incision had opened it would take longer to heal. Not really what I wanted to hear but I was too happy that it wasn't infected to care. So still recovering and I am starting to feel better but I still can't really do much of anything.
Last week while I was in the hospital Peter had teh backyard dug up and staked out for where we wanted our patio. The concrete guys came on Monday and worked through Wednesday to do the leveling, staking,
It's been almost a week since my surgery and I can honestly say, I don't feel much better than I did on Day 3 (Day 2 was by far the worst). It is still really painful to get up and move, more so in the morning. I have pain killers that take away some of the pain but not all and they make me really dizzy so it is hard to do anything after I take them anyhow. Yesterday was nice, I just rested all day while the girls were at Kim's and Peter was at work.
Last night I was discharged from the hospital and it was nice to be leaving there once again. Though my stay this time wasn't as long as the last time I was there, this trip was much more painful. We went over to my mom's house since she is close by and that is where a lot of stuff was and also our little girls. Today we will head home but first we have to celebrate our youngest second birthday!! Abbi is such a big girl now, I can't believe she is already two years old (time for another one I guess). I will post pictures later of her and whatever it is we choose to do today. I am still in so much pain and can hardly move but I am sure there will be some cake and perhaps some presents for Abbi. Later this month or perhaps the beginning of next month when I am feeling better we are going to have a joint birthday party for Brye and Abbi since Brye's birthday is next month. This way they will get to see all their friends and have a real celebration. Just hope I feel better by then.
Well, I took a big step today and got up to take a shower. I was in so much pain I wasn't sure I was going to make it. I spent most of the time just praying to God to give me strength. Peter helped me a lot (just like always) and took good care of me. I am trying so hard to do things myself because I know I need to eventually but it is so nice to have him here to help. He put the shampoo and conditioner in my hands and handed me wash clothes and took my bandages as I peeled them off. Thank goodness for those bars in the showers, it helped relieve the weight and stress off my belly at times. The Dr said that my pain is so great because I had triplets. Most of what I have been feeling is cramping due to my uterus contracting back to it's normal size. In a singleton birth your uterus grows to 1000x it's normal size, I have no idea how big it gets with trips. By the end of the shower I had to sit down, I was hurting so much and could barely move. I still have the IV in my arm though it is not connected to anything and they had to tape it up for my shower. When the nurse finally got the
I am not sure exactly what everyone has heard so I figured I would fill everyone in with my side of the story...
Last night Michael and Angela came over and hung out for a while. It was a nice change of pace from the normal sitting there bored out of my mind that I have been doing. Earlier in the week Rena also came by and spent some time with me. While I was still at Dad's I saw Rena and Reba when they stopped by for a bit. It's always nice to see my friends and since I can't go see them I love how they are willing to come to me. Great seeing you all and hope you come again soon, or better yet, hope I can go see you soon!!