My mom bought a "real puzzle" for Brye to play with. One that isn't on a wood or

cardboard back with little pegs to help pick them up. This puzzle was Brye's first. My mom had looked for a simpler puzzle that would be easier to do. Brye tends to get frustrated when she can't do something right away so she thought that Brye might attempt this and then give up. My mom really thought that she would play a little and then my mom

would put it away for a year or so until Brye was old enough to do it without getting frustrated. Well, after I turned all the pieces up so she could see the pictures, Brye went right at it. I was more than willing to give her help if I thought she needed it but in the end I didn't give up anything. Brye finished the whole puzzle in about 10 minutes with no problems whatsoever! She started with one Elmo piece and then took each piece with red on it and connected them all together. Then she worked on

Big Bird with his yellow and did the same until the two parts connected together. I was so impressed with Brye. She didn't need a bit of help and she made it look so easy. She had never done a puzzle before but she took right to it. Now Peter and I will have to go out and get more for her to do. I have always liked puzzles when I was little and still do a lot today. My dad always worked on them and would let us kids help so I think that's why I like them so much.