Water Babies

Last night we didn't get home until midnight and then we had to get up and go back to town this morning. I was taking the girls to a birthday party at their friend Delaney's house.
My youngest brother, Brian, is joining the Navy and leaves on Sunday for Basic Training in IL. Tonight we had a big dinner for him at my mom's house with one of my other brothers and my sister and their families to say good bye. Brian graduated from high school earlier this year and then joined
Well if you thought I was bad before you should see me now. Ever since my doctor released me on Monday I have had caching
We had a pretty crazy storm today. The rain came down almost sideways. Of course this is the time that we decided we should go to the grocery store. We got pretty wet but at least we got some food for dinner.
Last summer I planted a bunch of Marigolds in my garden. Brye really liked the bright yellow and orange flowers and everyday we would go out and dead-head them to keep them healthy. We really liked the way our fingers smelled afterwards because Marigolds are so fragrant. Anyhow the Marigolds bloomed and seeded other areas and grew new flowers there. I explained to Brye that new sprouts were put there by God for us to enjoy and that I didn't plant them.
Today I had my postpartum check-up at the doctors office. It was my final appointment with them and it was kind of sad. I feel so much better than I did after the surgery; I would say I am probably about 95% better. I still have a couple fears about my incision area but they are all in my head and I just need to get over it. At the appointment today everything looked great and there were no worries. There are two drs at the office but I almost always saw Dr. Christensen and only saw Dr. Al Malt once or twice. Well today I saw Dr. C again but even Dr. Al Malt said that I looked a lot better than the last time I came in and that I seemed a lot happier too. I told him that I feel so much better and it is so surprising to me the difference between now and just a few weeks ago. Though this doctors office is strictly high-risk pregnancies only they said that if I wanted to I could return to them for future pregnancies since I had triplets and especially since one passed. They told me they would take me as a patient even though I wouldn't necessarily need them. That made me happy because Dr. C is by far the best doctor I have ever had and I have had a lot of doctors. The whole office is so together and with it, I have never experienced a doctors office like that. And even after being away for 6 weeks they still greeted me by name the moment I walked in without having to check my paperwork first. I love places like that, it makes you feel important not just another patient.
While Peter was paying for my new computer last week, I let Brye play at one of the iMac stations they had set up for kids. They had a program on there was a Dr Suess book that was
UPS came by today gave me some dirt. Literally. I have been geocaching for a while and along the way I have told just about all my friends about it and a couple people have taken to the hobby as well. One of those friends is Rayna, a long time friend of Peter's. Well Rayna was in Oregon visiting family and getting a few caches while she was there.
Here is Brye next to an old Martin D35.
Last night was a Winter Park Popcorn flicks where they have free movies in the park and give out free popcorn. We missed lasts months showing because I was having the babies
So far this year we have had two Lily's in our fish pond out front.The first lily appeared the day after the girls party (of course)
Today Peter and I did a little shopping. We got the girls dressed all pretty and then we went into Sanford to do some shopping at the mall. I was looking for clothes but I didn't really find anything like I was looking for. Peter needed some tools for his shop and some other supplies.