Today we had a great and filled day! Peter and I got up around 6 and after resting a while we got up and got the girls and ourselves ready for the day. When Shar came down we started preparing our Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings. We started with making the

dressing and stuffing the bird and then continued with breads, pies, and veggies. We had great help from Audrey and Bresa. Audrey made the pumpkin pies all on her own and they were delicious. Brye helped push the stuffing into the turkey.

While Shar and I were busy cooking the meal the boys played pool and relaxed. We watched most of the NY parade and tried to clean as we went along. We ended up doing three loads of dishes in the dishwasher and hand washing a bunch of stuff we had to use again and couldn't wait for. While we waited for the turkey to cook we played some cards

and Shar cut Peter's hair. When it was finally time to eat we were all starving and couldn't wait to dig in.

The food was awesome and worth all the work we put into it. Later we took a walk outside in the nice cool air and looked at all the houses along the way. We walked to a park that had a cache in it we wanted but it was closed for the holiday weekend. When we came home we cleaned up the girls and had pumpkin pie with my homemade whipped cream. Johnny and Shar had

never had it home made so they were really happy to try it. After the kids were down we finished our card game and got out Christmas decorations so that we can make the house all pretty and maybe get a tree tomorrow. Hope everyone else had a great day and your food was as great as ours was.